All submissions in these formats please: .pdf , Kindle, or print copy. If in print copy, I would appreciate it if the book was autographed by the author. I am not doing books that have a deadline at this time, unless the author wants to use my review to appear on the book itself. Please send all requests to: . If sending through snail mail, email me for my home address. Thank you!
January 29, 2013
Demon Vampire The Blog: Yes, It's Been A While...
Demon Vampire The Blog: Yes, It's Been A While...: I know that the re-edit was supposed to be out by now, but there were a few set backs. I won't go into the finer details, but to p...
January 11, 2013
Moragh Holly's Ghost by Maggie Tideswell
My Review:
All Holly ever wanted was to be married and have children. She thought she had her life's dream with Donald, her now husband and father of their two beautiful boys, and she thought he wanted the same. Why then did he find it necessary to cheat on her with his new assistant Gwen? She thought he loved her as much as she loved him. And now, why does he feel he has to be so cruel by keeping the boys away from her? What desperate measures will she resort to in order to be with her children and how many lives will it affect? Follow Holly in her quest to answer all of the questions haunting her life and find out how magic and the supernatural play a huge role in it. The tortured spirit of Moragh, who wanted her story told in death because her life, her very existence, was taken from her and thrown aside like yesterday's garbage.
In Moragh Holly's Ghost, Maggie once again shows brilliance in breathing life into her characters, allowing them to crossover into the reader's reality. As a reviewer and fan of Maggie's, I was excited when asked to review Moragh, not knowing anything about the subject matter, which peaked my imagination. I walked with Holly as she encountered love, disappointment, betrayal, magic and a bit of ghostliness. My heart was into this book from the beginning to the end.
Moragh Holly's Ghost is not your typical love story. It is a well written story by an author who puts all of her creativity, imagination, talent, heart and soul into her work. You as the reader will not be disappointed, and I encourage you to take a chance and get your copy today!
I give Moragh Holly's Ghost five stars *****
Reviewed by
Nora Chipley Barteau
Reviewers Helping Authors
About the Author:
I write spooky, wacky. things-that-go-bump-in-the-night kind of books. Follow me on twitter @LunaMags
My first book, Dark Moon, has been released by All Things That Matter Press. It is available on Amazon, Barbs&Noble and, in paperback, kindle, nook and gobii.
September 21, 2012
Moonlight by Katie Salidas
Good girls don’t wear fur or fight over men, and they certainly don’t run around naked, howling at the moon.
But then, no-one ever called Fallon a good girl.
As a human unofficially mated to an Alpha werewolf, Fallon is being pressured to “become”... or be gone.
Her mate Aiden, the interim leader of the Olde Town Pack, is in a position that demands he either choose a wolf mate or leave the pack forever. No matter how hot the sex with Fallon is, he can’t ignore centuries of tradition.
Become a wolf or not: If only the choice were that simple! Fallon’s options are further clouded by the overt presence of other females desperate to be the Alpha’s mate. And when these bitches get serious, it’s not just claws that come out. If Fallon wants to keep her man and take the title, she’ll have to exert a little dominance of her own.
*Be sure to real chapter 1 at the end of this blog!
About the Author
Moonlight is a Immortalis Series Companion Novella that carries as much creativity and depth as the ones that came before it. The story continues with Lysander, Alyssa, Aiden and Fallon. Moonlight tells more the story of Aiden and Fallon. Aiden is a wolf and wants to be the leader of his pack as the Alpha male and he wants Fallon to be his mate. In order to do this, she must go through, what was to endure a savage, painful ritual. Little did any of them know, a very dangerous, deadly enemy will be the one to take this ritual away from them, not to change her but to kill her.
Sit back and let Moonlight draw you into the world of loyalty, friendship, heartache, jealousy, and forever love. Katie once again has created a world where the reader can get lost in the magical world of the Immortalis!
I give Moonlight a five star rating *****
Nora Chipley Barteau
Chapter One
But then, no-one ever called Fallon a good girl.
As a human unofficially mated to an Alpha werewolf, Fallon is being pressured to “become”... or be gone.
Her mate Aiden, the interim leader of the Olde Town Pack, is in a position that demands he either choose a wolf mate or leave the pack forever. No matter how hot the sex with Fallon is, he can’t ignore centuries of tradition.
Become a wolf or not: If only the choice were that simple! Fallon’s options are further clouded by the overt presence of other females desperate to be the Alpha’s mate. And when these bitches get serious, it’s not just claws that come out. If Fallon wants to keep her man and take the title, she’ll have to exert a little dominance of her own.
*Be sure to real chapter 1 at the end of this blog!
About the Author
Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkins off to gymnastics, cheer leading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.
And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…
Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.
And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…
Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.
My Review
Katie Salidas
I became a fan of Katie's when I read and reviewed her first book in the Immortalis series. I was so impressed by her work, I did whatever I could to help her not only to promote her book but to let the world know what a wonderful, talented author she was. She is not only a great author, she is a great person and friend as well. I have felt privileged to take this journey with her as she continues to write and entertain the literary world.
Katie Salidas
I became a fan of Katie's when I read and reviewed her first book in the Immortalis series. I was so impressed by her work, I did whatever I could to help her not only to promote her book but to let the world know what a wonderful, talented author she was. She is not only a great author, she is a great person and friend as well. I have felt privileged to take this journey with her as she continues to write and entertain the literary world.
Moonlight is a Immortalis Series Companion Novella that carries as much creativity and depth as the ones that came before it. The story continues with Lysander, Alyssa, Aiden and Fallon. Moonlight tells more the story of Aiden and Fallon. Aiden is a wolf and wants to be the leader of his pack as the Alpha male and he wants Fallon to be his mate. In order to do this, she must go through, what was to endure a savage, painful ritual. Little did any of them know, a very dangerous, deadly enemy will be the one to take this ritual away from them, not to change her but to kill her.
Sit back and let Moonlight draw you into the world of loyalty, friendship, heartache, jealousy, and forever love. Katie once again has created a world where the reader can get lost in the magical world of the Immortalis!
I give Moonlight a five star rating *****
Nora Chipley Barteau
Other works by author Katie Salidas
Chapter One
April 13, 2012
RHA Presents By Right of Blood by Lorrieanne Russell
William Fylbrigge, the son of the deceased Duke of Aberdoir. William is abused by his much older brother, Thomas, and and Thomas's wife, Bryndah. When he is twelve, William is sent to foster with the Earl of Stonehaven, Lord Edward. It is with Lord Edward that he finds a home, his courage, and begins to blossom into a confident young man. But forces unknown to him are out to get him, to destroy his self-confidence -- and bring about his death. It is only By Right of Blood, that William can claim his legacy and be the man he wants to be.
About the Author: Taken with permission from author's face book bio.
Lorrieann Russell’s writing credits include the novels My Brother’s Keeper, and In the Wake of Ashes, both independently published. By Right of Will marks her first novel with Lachesis Publishing. Ms. Russell has also written several short stories for the Writers Post Journal. She is a contributing author and artist to The Writers Post Journal.
She is a professional illustrator, and design artist and photographer. Her illustrations have appeared on book covers, magazines and calendars. An avid hiker, she takes much of her inspiration from nature, and the bulk of her photographic work is in landscape and natural settings. As an artist, her medium of choice is digital.
She is a professional illustrator, and design artist and photographer. Her illustrations have appeared on book covers, magazines and calendars. An avid hiker, she takes much of her inspiration from nature, and the bulk of her photographic work is in landscape and natural settings. As an artist, her medium of choice is digital.
My Review:
By Right of Blood
Lorrieann Russell
Lorrieann Russell
A boy was born into the world surrounded by riches and was loved by the mother who looked upon his little face as her last breath exited her exhausted body. The only word she was able to form before exiting this world was, William.
The boy's father Lord Henry Fylbrigge, the current earl of Aberdoir, waited for the news of his son's arrival while looking out his window in the Manor he and his wife Cyslie shared. His thoughts were upon his wife and the child she was laboring to deliver. Her time had come earier than expected.
Lord Henry hadn't left the Manor much in the last month because the pregnancy had become especially hard on Cyslie, so he reluctantly depended on his eldest son Thomas with the matters that had to be tended to. Even though Thomas never appeared as possessing much of a business mind, he'd always seemed more interested in less important pursuits such as jousts and hunts. In fact Thomas had proven himself as a invaluable asset and had impressed Lord Edward, a long time friend of Henry's enough that the duke granted Thomas his daughter Brynda's hand in marriage, a union that pleased Henry greatly. Henry felt a wave of relief knowing his eldest son was showing an interest in the wellbeing of the Fybrigge family...especially now, as Henry suspected he was dying.
The next twelve years for William would prove to be absent of love and compassion. Instead it would be filled with neglect, abuse, and torture, but the hands of his older brother Thomas and his wife Brynda's. It had been agreed that upon between Henry and Edward that upon William's twelth birthday he was to be taken to Stonehaven and fostered by Lord Edward. This was the only reason Thomas made sure he never pushed the punishment for far as to end William's life, that and the inheritance.
William began to flourish at Stonehaven, and had finally found a true, loving home. It took him awhile to be able to trust others because he could not believe this place that his older brother had said to be filled with demons and dungeons, was in fact filled with people who would love him and treat him with love and respect.
Follow William and the life he shared with his friends Sean and Laurel. The author has used her vivid and creative writing, enabling the reader to take a step back in time when the world was a much simpler place. Walk with Wiliam as only By Right of Blood, he can claim his legacy and be the man he wants to be.
Author Lorrieann Russell has used great imagination and artistic creativity in By Right of Blood. Her talent shines through the characters she has so lovingly created and this talent spills over into the world of the reader, allowing them to walk with the characters through the streets of the market, to the cliffs above the ocean. Feel their fear as they run through the woods, and into the meadows escaping hunters and those that would do them harm, only to prevail in the end. Experience their happiness and their sorrows, as they fight to make their mark in the world surrounding them.
I give By Right of Blood five stars *****
Reviewed by
Nora Chipley Barteau
Reviewers Helping Authors
Other works by Author Lorrieanne Russell
March 27, 2012
RHA Presents Changeling: Prelude to the Chosen Chronicles by Karen Dales
Abandoned at birth and left to die, alone in the forest, the Angel is found by the local healer. In loving secrecy he is raised unnamed and unknown lest his strange appearance bring down the wrath of the local villagers.
He grows up, cared for by Auntie until her fearful predictions come true. Discovered in his secret grove, his life is transformed, evoking demons that demand more than he can give.
Unable to save the lives of those he loves he flees to live alone, away from those who would do him harm.
It is alone, exiled by humanity that he comes across the one who would change his life forever, to become –
The Angel of Death
My Review
Changeling: Prelude to the Chosen Chronicles
Karen Dales
A woman cries through the throes of childbirth, a woman gives birth to a son, the first one born to the couple. But something was wrong, seriously wrong, so wrong the mother refused to feed the boy much less nurture and love him. What would make a mother turn her back on a baby born from her womb. All she could cry out was, that he was from her womb, but he was not her child. What was the father to do if his wife refused to feed and nurture their son? By their beliefs, the child was to be taken to the woods and left to die to the elements. How could he do such a thing? His heart broke as he took his son, and placed him away from the village to die.
By the mercy of the Goddess, the child's cries were heard, before the elements of the night could end his life. She knew the child was different and knew he would have to stay hidden from society forever if he was to survive and if her life was to be safe. As the boy grew, she knew he needed to learn ways to protect himself, and for that he needed a male figure in his life. The man she chose, would change the world as the boy knew, forever. The boy came to love the man, and the man came to love the boy. He taught the boy all he could before having to leave for war.
It is speculation as to what 'the boy' soon to be named Gwyn' was. He knew what he had been told he was by the villagers that had caught glimpses of him, and from what his Auntie told him. Until one day, while out hunting, he was walking home with his kill and seen the smoke coming from the home he and his Auntie lived. The horror he came upon would forever burn in his memory.
As the boy had to trod out on his own, he met someone in the wilderness that too would change him forever. And make him question what he thought he had always been. He thought the stranger had given him a gift, however, it may turn out to be a curse of unbelievable horror. Causing him to be unsure of his existence at all.
I will leave my detailed review of the book there because I do not want to give away any more details and secrets of one of the best, unusual books I have read in awhile. The characters in this book were given real feelings, emotions, heartaches, and tears by the author. Karen found a way to draw the reader into the book to walk along this beautiful creature, feeling his desires, his pain, his heart wrenching life he had to live. The question is, what is he? He is pale in color. He is tall, with a long white hair and cannot walk into sunlight. Then when he meets the stranger in the forest, who attacks him, and bites him, Gwyn finds now he can no longer eat regular food, is no longer cold, can run so fast he is a blur and has super human strength.
This story is set a time of wars, men in armor, villages of people who live in huts, and transportation was either by horse, cart or foot.
Take the extraordinary journey with Gwyn. Learn to love him, respect him, feel and protect him. And see if you can solve the question, what is he?
I give this book five stars *****
Reviewed by
Nora Chipley Barteau
Reviewers Helping Authors
About the author Karen Dales
Karen Dales was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is the author
of The Chosen Chronicles. She began writing Changeling: Prelude
to the Chosen Chronicles and Angel of Death: Book One of the
Chosen Chronicles after she was inspired to create the character of
The Angel for an on-line role playing game she was part of. It was
from that experience the birth of The Angel was formed and through
years of research Karen fleshed out The Angel and other characters
that came to her.
Having completed York University’s Creative Writing courses years
previously, Karen began to write Changeling and Angel of Death as
one novel. It was on their completions that it was clear they were two
distinct novels of an evolving series that has come to include
Shadow of Death: Book Two of the Chosen Chronicles, which was
eleased April 8, 2011. Karen is currently writing the next
installment - Thanatos: Book Three of the Chosen.
Since the publication of both Changeling and Angel of Death
in a limited edition single volume, Karen has been an Author Guest
at, Polaris, AdAstra, FanExpo, and Word On The Street.
You can find out her future appearances by clicking here.
In January 2011 Karen won the Siren Books Awards for “Angel of Death”
for Best Horror 2010 and Best Overall 2010.
In September 2011 “Shadow of Death” won the Sizzling Hot Book of the Month
“Shadow of Death” was runner up to the Sizzling Hot Book of 2011.
Karen loves hearing from you. If you have a question or comment
please feel free to email it to her at
You can also follow her on Twitter on Facebook,
and join her Facebook Fan Page
of The Chosen Chronicles. She began writing Changeling: Prelude
to the Chosen Chronicles and Angel of Death: Book One of the
Chosen Chronicles after she was inspired to create the character of
The Angel for an on-line role playing game she was part of. It was
from that experience the birth of The Angel was formed and through
years of research Karen fleshed out The Angel and other characters
that came to her.
Having completed York University’s Creative Writing courses years
previously, Karen began to write Changeling and Angel of Death as
one novel. It was on their completions that it was clear they were two
distinct novels of an evolving series that has come to include
Shadow of Death: Book Two of the Chosen Chronicles, which was
eleased April 8, 2011. Karen is currently writing the next
installment - Thanatos: Book Three of the Chosen.
Since the publication of both Changeling and Angel of Death
in a limited edition single volume, Karen has been an Author Guest
at, Polaris, AdAstra, FanExpo, and Word On The Street.
You can find out her future appearances by clicking here.
In January 2011 Karen won the Siren Books Awards for “Angel of Death”
for Best Horror 2010 and Best Overall 2010.
In September 2011 “Shadow of Death” won the Sizzling Hot Book of the Month
“Shadow of Death” was runner up to the Sizzling Hot Book of 2011.
Karen loves hearing from you. If you have a question or comment
please feel free to email it to her at
You can also follow her on Twitter on Facebook,
and join her Facebook Fan Page
Other Works by Author Karen Dales In the The Chosen Chronicles
March 22, 2012
Nukekubi by Stephen B. Pearl

From ancient times nukekubi have haunted the land of Japan. Living as men by day, these beasts slip their heads free of their flesh at night and go in search of human prey. These hapless souls are driven into a terrified madness that results in their death.
Ray McAndrues, a modern-day wizard, must neutralise a nukekubi that is feasting on the people of Toronto. He is aided by Cathy, a sorceress of numerous charms, and Toshiro and Kunio, two, Japanese, martial artists who have made hunting nukekubi their lives' work.
As the quest plays out, questions arise. Who is hunting who? How can you slay the beast that stalks the night without slaying the man who walks the day? What is the strange, millennia-old connection that binds Ray to the beast, and will it help or hinder the quest?
About the author:
Gandalf taught me how to be a spirit wrapped in flesh. Aragorn taught me how to be a man. Frodo taught me of perseverance, and Samwise of loyalty. Along the way I learned of the power of the written word, the gift it could give by slipping past our defenses to show us the best and the worst in ourselves. So who is Stephen B. Pearl? He is a lifeguard, husband, mystic, science enthusiast, home handyman, backyard mechanic, and writer. Like most of us the face he wears changes with the company and the season. His three cats know him as pride alpha, I like to think so, though servant might be more accurate. Who am I kidding? My wife runs the pride; I just try and stay out of her way. At any rate, I am a man of middle years who lives in a house in Ontario, Canada with three cats, a wife and a sincere hope that you will enjoy my book.
My Review:
What is a Nukeubi? I guess in order to understand the story, you need to know what it is.
By day, Nukekubi appear to be normal human beings. By night, however, their heads detach at the neck smoothly from their bodies and fly about independently in search of human prey. These heads attack by screaming (to increase their victims' fright), then closing in and biting.
While the head is detached, the body of a Nukekubi becomes inanimate. In some legends, this serves as one of the creature's few weaknesses; if a Nukekubi's head cannot locate and reattach to its body by sunrise, the creature dies. Legends often tell of would-be victims foiling the creatures by destroying or hiding their bodies while the heads are elsewhere.
By day, Nukekubi often try to blend into human society. They sometimes live in groups, impersonating normal human families. The only way to tell a Nukekubi from a normal human being is a line of red symbols around the base of the neck where the head detaches. Even this small detail is easily concealed beneath clothing or jewelry.
With that said, author Stephen B. Pearl has brought a folklore into an reality to Ray McAndrues, who most people when they look at him, see nothing special or out of the ordinary. Little is known but Ray can sense certain energies and perform magic. He has probably used his special talents before, but not in life threatening situations, but for sport or maybe just in goofing around with the girl who has his eye, Cathy, who herself is a mystic.
There is what the papers are saying, a drug that is taking lives on the city streets, and it's called Terror. It appears to cause the person to die a horrendous death. Ray, happens to witness a friend die to 'Terror's' effects.
Ray then realizes this is no drug that is taking lives, but what is called a Nukekubu or a Japanese goblin. And it is killing and feasting on people he cares for. He feels deep down he is the only one that will be able to conquer it, and extinguish it forever.
Ray has help come over from Japan who are willing to help him in his endeavor. Ray is grateful he does not have to do this alone.
Take a journey of magic and 'terror' with Ray, Cathy, Kama, Kunio and Toshiro. When you are done, you will look at what is considered 'folklore' in a different way. The next time you are told something is a folklore, make sure you think twice.
I was absolutely spellbound by this book and I applaud the imagination and creativity the author put in this book. I look forward to reading more by him.
I give this book five stars *****
Other Works by Stephen Pearl

March 4, 2012
RHA Presents Radiance Love After Death by Debra Jayne East
My Review
Debra Jayne East
After twenty years of marriage, Marena never imagined she would find herself alone. She thought her marriage was forever, not taken out of her grasp by a cheating husband. She pushed herself into her work, getting so exhausted that she didn't have to think about the pain of it all. She had picked up a pizza and knew her son Brian would be home. It was raining, lightening lit up the sky and the power was flickering off and on down the street as she drove home. She saw what looked like a boy walking in the rain and she had every intention of stopping and calling someone to see if he needed a ride. That was before her car stalled out, and her life changed forever. All she could do was feel herself floating, looking down on what had happened. Until a tremendous bright lit figured came into her vision........
And there dear reader, I will leave you to find out what the author has in store for not just the characters, but for you as well. You will be taken on a journey that is not of this world as we know it. A love story so astounding and beautiful, it takes your breath away. I found myself mystified by the story that was unfolding in front of me. I was on the edge of my seat until the very last page, and am hoping for another book to follow up with this one. I fell in love with the characters, I fell in love with David. Who is David? Read the book and find out! If things were as possible as they seem in Love After Death, we would all have hope to hold onto no matter what life brought our way.
Thank you Debra East for your talent, imagination, and passion that is clearly seen in the pages of this wonderful book.
I recommend this book pretty much for all ages. Sexual undertones are there, but I did not see any bad words, or sexual scenes. It was well written for teenagers and adults.
I give this wonderful book five stars *****
A Little Peek Into the Essence of the Book by the Author:
Angels have always been around in the Bible; from guarding the entrance in Eden, to heralding the birth of Jesus, from wrestling with Jacob, to co-horting with the daughters of men. Say, what? You heard me.
Angels decided that women were beautiful and decided to be with them. You know…that way. Okay, so what happened next? Women bore the off spring of that union called the nephilim. I'm not making this up, by the way, read Genesis 6 verse 4. So, everyone knows that angels have special powers, right? They can fly, they are amazingly strong, they can appear anywhere at will, they can take on other forms; they can strike terror in the hearts of men on mere sight. Pretty impressive, right? But what if they could fall in love? We're not talking about lust here. That ended with less than happy results.
In "Radiance Love after Death," I gave angels a new beginning. What if this time...they could get it right? I got to explore all those questions in writing my first paranormal romance, to be released soon by XOXO Publishing. It all started with finding a crooked heart-shaped stone. That part of the story is true. It was such a catalyst in turning my life around; I thought I would share it with others.
Someone else found a heart-shaped stone, when she was at the end of her rope and wanted to die. I would like to take you on a journey with Marena Jacobs, who while on her way home from work one night, has a near death experience that alters her life. Wait when you hear what happens next!
Someone else found a heart-shaped stone, when she was at the end of her rope and wanted to die. I would like to take you on a journey with Marena Jacobs, who while on her way home from work one night, has a near death experience that alters her life. Wait when you hear what happens next!
About the Author and Her Thoughts:
What inspired to write the book:
Being a dreamer, I always wanted to be more than the ordinary. I wanted to imagine worlds where anything could happen, especially romantic fairy tales.
Growing up, Barbara Cartland and Grace Livingston Hill were authors I devoured as soon as I could get hold of their books! I remember one day at a yard sale, I bought a box of over 35 Barbara Cartland books. I think I read nonstop for a month! They created magic for me. When you are a young impressionable girl, I think it’s important to form positive ideals of love.
When you read my novel Radiance:Love after Death, published by XOXO Publishing, you will see how these authors influenced my writing. In all their books, there was never any graphic sexual content, yet you were thrilled beyond imagination at the expressions of love. There needs to be some mystery in the romance department! When everything is spelled out in minute detail it gets old after awhile. I don’t know about you, but imagination is sexy to me!
Even as I read all those books way back then, I wanted to be a writer. I was forming stories in my mind and writing them down from time to time. I saved every notebook I had, and over the course of several years, I had over sixteen of them.
After three babies and a career, I forgot about them of course. Then something happened that changed the path of my life. My husband of 18 years asked for a divorce. I became depressed after the breakup of my marriage and I was at the end of my rope. One day I was walking and for some odd reason I reached down into the grass and pulled out a crooked heart-shaped stone. It seemed to remind me that even though my heart was broken, it was still a heart and someday I could love again. That stone saved my life. It also inspired me to weave it into a paranormal romance story.
Now, I just want someone to pinch me! Never, ever, give up on your dreams! I mailed my manuscript off and three months later after a few rejections and even turning down a couple of publishers, the wonderful people at XOXO Publishing believed along with me and said yes!
Radiance:Love after Death, is about second chances and never giving up on love. It’s edgy and different in a way that readers of romance will appreciate. I do not like predictable stories! Marena Jacobs is not your typical kind of heroine. She’s overweight, divorced and a workaholic. After a near fatal accident, she realizes something happened to her during those seconds of time that she passed from life to death. She was never alone like she thought she was. Someone was watching over her all along. I hope my story of finding the heart-stone will inspire women everywhere. You will believe that true love never dies. Maybe, we all need to find a heart-stone sometime during our lives! I hope you all find yours.
About Author
Debra Jayne East was born the oldest of six girls in Martinsville, Virginia. For as long as she could remember, she loved to keep journals, write poetry and short stories. She researched her family tree and suddenly she knew why. Her distant relative, Violet Florence Martin was an Irish author, born in 1862, who co-wrote a series of novels with Cousin Edith Somerville under the pen name of Martin Ross in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Learning about her heritage encouraged her to follow her dreams. After she encountered a near-death experience during a routine surgery she realized her time had come to follow her heart and realize her calling to write. Her first novel, Radiance:Love after Death was released by XOXO Publishing in June of this year.
Debra lives in North Carolina close to the Blue Ridge Parkway and enjoys photography, volunteering and spending time with her family. Currently, she is nearly finished with a second book in her Radiance series and also working on a science fiction novel.
Ms. East loves to set her stories in the rural areas surrounding her home. The idea came to her for her first book when after a long depression from her broken marriage, she found a crooked heart-shaped stone in the grass near by. It reminded her that even though hearts get broken and scarred from pain that they are still capable of love. Finding the stone renewed her will to go on, and she realized it had a message for anyone recovering from heart break. She passes that message on in Marena Jacobs, her gutsy endearing heroine in Radiance:Love after Death. She hopes her readers will take to heart the wonderful message of a crooked heart-shaped stone that saved a life and wrote a book.
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