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January 6, 2012

RHA Presents Cold Cold Heart by Viviane Brentanos

Who is Daniel Hayes? Why does a man who has everything - fame, fortune and the world at his feet feel so empty? What is his interest in Rachel Warner, a girl from a quiet Home Counties English town? Why does she hold the key to his happiness? Daniel Haynes is the man we have all dreamed of; the pop star we all wanted to marry when we were 16 but he only has eyes for Rachel.

Rachel Warner - Why does Daniel's interest in her threaten her ordered yet unsatisfying life? Why does she have to live with the shadow of her ex-father-in-law breathing over her shoulder?

About Author Viviane Brentanos

I was born in Reading UK in 1958. My father is English and my mother is French although there is a strong vein of Spanish on my maternal grandmother's side. I was educated at various schools before completing Sixth Form College at St Peter's Huntingdon. I somehow managed to collect A levels in English, French and History and I subsequently won a place at Sheffield University where I decided to read Classical Civilization. Once there, however, I decided that I had had enough of the academic life; I found the student mentality rather false and having been brought up in student circles, rather boring.
Much to my mother's horror, I gave up my studies and went to London to begin a course as a Canine Beautician. In 1984, my first husband and I parted ways amicably and I decided to visit the Ionian island of Corfu to celebrate my new freedom. It proved to be a life-changing decision. I still remember to this day, sitting in a café-bar, overlooking the crystal clear azure sea and saying to my friend. "I never want to leave here". And here, I still am. I am now married again, to a Greek, Alexander {not the Great}, and I have two teenage children, 2 dogs and 4 cats and I absolutely love the life-style here. I would recommend it to anyone.
In 2005,I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer - for the SECOND time in 5 years. It is when you are faced with your own mortality that one begins to put one's life into perspective. Thankfully, God was yet again on my side and I am now in full remission. But I decided that there was more to me than being a mother {although, I hasten to add, it is a worthy assignment.} I decided to finally get my head down and do what I'd always promised myself; I was going to finish a novel. I have been writing romance since my early teens, mostly for my own satisfaction and for my friends but now I really want to work at it. Writing has become my passion. I have always been a "Romantic", often accused of not living in the real world but who wants to do that? I like to call my work Romance with a quirky, humorous Brit twist and I am always striving to make my characters real, characters we can all relate to.
I still fly back to the UK at least twice a year - especially if Darren Hayes {my other passion} is performing but I have to say that my heart is now in Greece. I suppose with so much Mediterranean blood flowing through my veins, I didn't stand a chance against this magical Island. The imaginary island of Kuros, featured in my new release Dreamweek has been inspired by my beloved Corfu and I hope it will inspire you all to visit.

My Review

Cold Cold Heart
Viviane Brentanos

It's always a joy and experience when I have the opportunity to read a book from a author I have not been acquainted with, because it's uncharted territory and I never know what to expect.
Cold Cold Heart has a mixture of a lot of different elements that make a book a great page turner. This one happens to be about Daniel who has been in love with the same woman his entire life. As a matter of fact, since he was in grade school, because of one heroic act on her part. To Rachael it was just helping someone out, never giving it another thought. But for Daniel, it changed his life forever.
Take the journey of a undying, unconditional love that stands the test of time. This book offers the reader drama, betrayal, anger, disappointment, all the good ingredients for an awesome book. The author had a way to bring the reader into the story so they can experience the feelings and emotions the characters were going through. I found it to be a beautiful love story but I have to admit, I was waiting for the other ball to drop and find out that maybe, just maybe Daniel was waiting for Rachael to actually fall in love with him just to maybe laugh in her face for what he felt she did wrong to him?

I am not going to tell you anymore about this book. It is a book that holds a few surprises that need to be found by the reader to make it enjoyable. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a great love story with a touch of eroticism .

Does it have a happy ending? Well, you have to find that out for yourself. Read it, study it, think about the words, and see if you can predict what Daniel's motives are with Rachael, if any.

I give Cold Cold Heart give 5 stars *****

Reviewed by

1 comment:

  1. Viv Rocks! So glad she is being 'discovered'
    Christine London
