
All submissions in these formats please: .pdf , Kindle, or print copy. If in print copy, I would appreciate it if the book was autographed by the author. I am not doing books that have a deadline at this time, unless the author wants to use my review to appear on the book itself. Please send all requests to: . If sending through snail mail, email me for my home address. Thank you!

November 15, 2011

Broken Captive by BK Walker

Jenna Mathews lived a life of pain. With an abusive mother and a father that doesn't have time, isolation swamps her. Pain envelops her daily and her only release...self mutilation. When Jeff Simon reaches out to her, showing her what love truly is, Jenna feels hope for the first time in her life. Hope falls short though when Jeff is tragically ripped from her life, and she turns back to doing the only thing that gives her an escape.

What the future has in beyond what she could have ever fathomed.

A heartfelt, fictional short story pain, love and healing.
My Review

Broken Captive
Bk Walker

Bk is not only a very talented author but my dear friend as well. She approached me wanting me to 'squeeze' in a short story she had written. As a friend, I told her I would always make time for her. And I am very glad I did.

Broken Captive did not feel like a 'story', it felt like reality. Cutting is a very real and serious issue with our young people these days. And yes, it even affects some adults. People do this because they usually have no other release for the whatever pain or issues they are going through at the time. In this book, Jenna had no father, and her mother was a drunk who slept around with any man who would have her and was physically abusive to her.  Jenna felt she was an outcast with no real friends. Instead of just killing herself, she cut herself to release that awful feeling of hopelessness. That was her pattern until she met a boy named Jeff, who would profess his unconditional love to her and prove to her there is another way. He became her rock, her salvation. Until tragedy struck.

This book brought me to tears and made my heart skip a few beats. This is a book that stays with you because it is based on fact. Oh, the characters have been changed etc. but this is life. And if not taken care of, it will usually lead to suicide either by the cutting or just because they can't take it anymore. This book may have been a short read, but it hits the reader with a hard, powerful punch right in the gut and heart.

I recommend all parents read this, and after they have read it, give it to your child. I hope that a person who is going through this very real illness picks this book up, and let it make a difference in their life. I am very proud of my friend BK because she has made a difference.

I give this book without hesitation five stars *****

Reviewed by

Nora Chipley Barteau

About BK the author

B.K. Walker is working as a Pediatric Home Care Nurse,  and has had a love for reading and writing since she was a child.   B.K. also runs several blogs,  where she hosts author interviews and organizes virtual book tours for other authors,  helping them to promote and market their work.  She lives in Pennsylvania with her three children,  a Pitbull named Rancid,  a Dachshund named Sadie,  a cat named Whiskers (aka Shitigan), and a goldfish named Albert. 

Always willing to hear from her readers,  she encourages everyone to join her mailing list or contact her directly by email.


Coming Soon
 Immortyl Kisses - Warrior Rising
This title is the first novel, revised from the Immortyl Kisses - The Collection Series. I am in the final editing stages.

Other Titles I'm currently working on:

High Heels & Handcuffs
To Love  A Wolf
Night Secrets II - Corbin's Descent
Serpent Seekers

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Nora! I am so glad you enjoyed this story. You're an amazing woman yourself :).

